Home Principal Mr.Handy Peerinpanayagam 1949-1960

Mr.Handy Peerinpanayagam 1949-1960


The Linga Lights Carnival in 1950 was the beginning of his efforts to measure up to the needs of the college. It was one of the best school carnivals; its success is testimony to the team-spirit of the organizers. The profits sufficed merely to pay off part of the debt incurred by his predecessor(V.N) in acquiring the lord, where the new building stands and to meet certain pressing needs in the matter of equipment and accommodation. In April 1956, he left to Malaya on a Fund raising mission. In 1957 a KHC well-wishers association was formed and he mobilized the villages served by the college for the purpose. Past pupils rallied to the call with energy and goodwill.

The three-storied building was opened on 27th January 1961. When his term at Kokuvil ran-out in March 1960, he left the college with a proud reputation deriving from his devoted labours for its advancement. The college earned name and fame during his time. His ideals his wisdom and his past he bequeathed to a sub-urban school. National unity in Sri Lanka was a life-long and tenacious pursuit of his.

He invited leaders from the south to Kokuvil for its Annual Dinners. In 1957, the college had Dr. N. M. Perera as the chief guest. Others invited as chief guests in later years were Mr. Wilmot Perera, Sir Claude Corea, Dr. G. P. Malakasekara and Mr. James George. The valedictory brochure published by his old pupils presents a portrait of a rare spirit The Quiet Communicator.